Manatees are just one of many species that you will spot swimming in Sanibel’s waterways. From April to October, manatees can be seen throughout the warm shallow waters of southwest Florida. Then when the weather cools down, they begin heading for freshwater springs, where the temperatures remain around 70 degrees year round.
Local Manatees
In the Sanibel-Captiva area, manatees are often seen near warm water outlets. Landmarks where they are most commonly found include the Sanibel fishing pier near Lighthouse Beach, in the calm waters near Tarpon Bay Explorers headquarters, near the docks of Captiva Island, and in the waterways of Larry’s Lagoon. Port Sanibel Marina’s eco-tours include a guided kayaking trip through Larry’s Lagoon Monday-Wednesday and Fridays at 9am, offering visitors the chance to see these rare, endangered species at just an arm’s reach.
Protecting the Manatees
Port Sanibel Marina supports the area’s local mission to conserve the wildlife. Help Florida keep manatees from going extinct by respecting their habitats and their space. Port Sanibel Marina encourages looking, but not touching the manatees while swimming with them.
For questions about local wildlife or Port Sanibel Marina’s eco-tours and boat rentals, call (239) 437-1660.