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Let’s Have a Heart-to-Heart

Let’s Have a Heart-to-Heart

Port-Sanibel-Thanksgiving dining on a boat

Throughout February, our nation turns red, as we dedicate the entire month to heart health awareness. American Heart Month focuses on knowledge and the promotion of healthy lifestyles for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. A heart healthy diet, regular exercise, weight management and stress management are all lifestyle changes that reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Port Sanibel Marina supports this healthy lifestyle and offers activities and tips for you and your family to do while visiting!


A varied diet is the key to a healthy heart.

Any outdoor activity, whether it is taking a hike, boating, kayaking or sitting in the park significantly reduces stress hormones and helps to lower blood pressure, which benefits the heart and mood. Head outdoors to the Port Sanibel Nature Boardwalk and explore the natural Southwest Florida ecosystem.  For a wildlife viewing experience, retreat to the forest and learn about mangroves; a biologically complex ecosystem which stabilizes our shorelines and serve as a valuable coastal resource that link land and sea. There are many relaxing outdoor activities for you to enjoy while visiting Port Sanibel Marina.


Some foods proven to be beneficial for your heart are fish, nuts, berries, oatmeal, red wine, dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher), cruciferous vegetables, citrus fruits, whole grains, avocado, and olive oil. A varied diet is the key to a healthy heart. All of these foods offer different benefits such as Omega-3 fatty acids in fish, the phytonutrients in berries, and vitamin C in citrus. At Port Sanibel Marina a popular activity is to go fishing. This activity is not only relaxing but can give you delicious fresh fish to start your heart healthy diet.


Seeking happiness-producing activities, being among loved ones and developing emotional connections elevates our attitude and contributes to heart health.

In order to achieve optimal health we have to take into consideration our emotional health and look beyond the physical markers of being fit. Seeking happiness-producing activities, being among loved ones and developing emotional connections elevates our attitude and contributes to heart health. If you remember that your heart is not just about pumping blood, it will make sense. Endorphins help ease stress and minimize pain, both literally and metaphorically. At Port Sanibel Marina we promote healthy living by providing a family friendly and relaxing atmosphere. Give it a try this month and make a change to improve your health. It will do your heart good.

Have you done anything to heal your heart this month? Why not start by calling us at 239-437-1660 to reserve a boat or any of our water crafts available at Port Sanibel Marina to get your heart pumping.



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